When do I contact a lawyer?
This is a legitimate question. It is easy to understand the fear of making such a move, turning the thoughts, conflicts and difficulties, into a concrete action. This question has probably occurred to you more than once when you were thinking about the issue. Therefore, in order to focus on your unique situation, you should promptly turn to an attorney specializing in the field of family law. Because of the special legal situation in Israel (see the “jurisdiction race” section) it is important that you hold a consultative meeting in which the legal situation in your case will be analyzed, with a view to assessing the prospects / risks in the context of a legal proceeding being instituted by the other party, and what can be done to mitigate the effect of such proceedings, if adopted. The development of a special strategy for the purpose of managing your case is of crucial importance, since no divorce is similar to another, and each case is unique unto itself!
The answer is one word: Now!