
  • Nava,

    I want you to know how much I appreciate your help.This process has been very hard for me and your being there by my side has been a great relief for me.
    Again, many thanks,


  • Nava,

    True, I paid for your advice, but that still doesn’t mean that I can’t thank you…
    So… I wish to thank you for the advice, the support, and especially for giving me a hand !

    Thank you very much,


  • Nava, Orit and Orit,

    In one word – Thanks
    for the devoted handling, the attention and the quick conclusion !



  • Nava and Orit,

    Lots of thanks for the work you have done, the input and the professionalism, in a case that on the face of it appeared simple but has broken almost all Guinness records in terms of the number of hurdles on the way.But eventually – you did it !

    And again, thank you,


  • Nava and Orit,

    Lots of thanks for the work you have done, the input and the professionalism, in a case that on the face of it appeared simple but has broken almost all Guinness records in terms of the number of hurdles on the way.But eventually – you did it !

    And again, thank you,


  • Nava,
    The world is a stage and we’re all players
    Anyone can be sweet
    Anyone can be polite
    Anyone can be professional
    But it’s not always real
    With you it’s natural
    You’re a real person
    Thank you my child
    Thank you my Nava
    For everything you have done for me
    This I say wholeheartedly
    My gift is modest
    With all my love
    You know who I am

  • Nava,

    With gratitude for the assistance you provided to us
    May we meet in happier circumstances in the future
